Our Bot

Welcome to our friendly bot. It doesn't want to kill all humans or take over the world, it dreams only to make everobody happily drunk. Good boy!
Probably the very first robot in the long history of human civilization wanting this. Amazing!
What should you do?
2) Search for @greenshamrockbot
3) Join the chat with the bot and press /Start
4) Choose what pubs are you interested in so you would recieve news and bonuses for these pubs only. You can always add or delete later.
Quick FAQ:
Q: How many bonus codes would I recieve?
A: One bonus code during the period (usually one week). If you chose to recive news for more than one pub than you've got more than one options regarding where to use your current code.
Q: I selected all the pubs and got the very same code from all of them but with different beers attached. How so?
A: Each pub has it's own rules so there could be different beers for bonuses in different pubs. You can choose where to go.
Q: I can not see any pictures :(
A: It can be so because of blocking attempts; however, picstures have no vital information and are here for decoration only.
Q: The bot does not work! I can't get anything from it!
A: Sometimes the bot is overhelmed with the sheer number of users. Don't panic, just wait a minute and press /Start again. If it doesn't help, just type /Start yourself. That should do the trick.
Do not type anything to bot, you should only use it's buttons